Marin County
Law Library
A California Independent Public Agency Under Business & Professions Code Section 6300 et seq.
California Coronavirus Response page, statewide: HERE
California Current Safety Measures: HERE
California Takes Action to Combat COVID-19: HERE
California Tenant & landlord Resources: HERE
For Latest Information, check the California Courts newsroom: HERE
2020: Year in Review: HERE
June 10, 2020: Arraignment Time Extension Rescinded
Rescinds provision in previous order authorizing courts to extend time for defendants to be arraigned. Defendants again arraigned within 48 hours. HERE
April 29, 2020: California Chief Justice Extends Criminal Trial Deadlines. HERE
April 27, 2020: California Supreme Court Orders Bar Exam Delayed, Administered Online: HERE
April 20, 2020: The Judicial Council published a new order adding Emergency Rule #13 regarding Family Law Support Orders and revised Emergency Rule #8 removing the automatic extension, allowing courts to give parties a way to request renewal. Plus, other Circulating Orders, all found: HERE
April 17, 2020: Judicial Council Mandates Electronic Service of Documents in Most Civil Cases. HERE
April 06, 2020: The Judicial Council approved 11 temporary emergency rules. See LINK for details
1. Unlawful Detainers; 2. Judicial foreclosures—suspension of actions; 3. Use of technology for remote appearances; 4. Emergency Bail Schedule; 5. Personal appearance waivers of defendants during health emergency; 6. Emergency orders: juvenile dependency proceedings; 7. Emergency orders: juvenile delinquency proceedings; 8. Emergency orders: temporary restraining or protective orders; 9. Toll the statutes of limitations for civil causes of action; 10. Extensions of time in which to bring a civil action to trial 11; Depositions through remote electronic means. HERE
March 30, 2020: Chief Justice Issues Additional Statewide Order to extend statutory deadlines for preliminary hearings, arraignments, and last day trials in both criminal and civil proceedings. HERE
March 23, 2020 – California Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye on Monday issued a statewide order suspending all jury trials in California’s superior courts for 60 days and allowing courts to immediately adopt new rules to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. See Entire March 23, 2020 Report at: California Courts Website
In Person Clerk's Window Re-opens 7/19/2021: HERE
Update on Face Coverings: HERE
Remote Access Procedures for All Matters Effective June 1, 2020: HERE
To book an appointment with the Clerk's office: HERE
Updated Special Rules to Enter Courthouse: HERE
The Latest Announcements By The Marin County Court May Be Found HERE
July, 2022: Zoom July Civil/Family/Probate Court Calendar. Details: HERE
July, 2022: Zoom July Criminal Court Calendar. Details: HERE
July, 2022: Zoom July Traffic Court Calendar. Details: HERE
September 09, 2020 - Notice re Ex Parte Applications: HERE
June 20, 2020 - Special Bail Schedule Adopted During Emergency: HERE
June 03, 2020 - Ban on Unlawful Detainer Filings Extended: HERE
May 28, 2020 - Civil Clerk’s Office Limits And Online Appointments. Details: HERE
April 28, 2020: Administrative Order 20-07 re: Implementation of Additional Emergency Relief Authorized Pursuant to Government Code §68115 and Other Orders by Chair of Judicial Council: HERE
April 23, 2020: Remote Video Proceedings and Public Access, latest developments: HERE
April 20, 2020: How to File a Restraining Order.
To apply for any type of restraining order, submit the completed forms to the Drop Box located outside of the Clerk’s Office before 10:30am, Monday through Friday. Instructions: HERE
APRIL 06, 2020:
The California Judicial Council enacted California Rules of Court Emergency Rules 1- 11. These emergency rules were enacted to protect the health and safety of the public, court employees, attorneys, litigants, and judicial officers, as well as staff and inmates in detention facilities, and law enforcement during the state of emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
To the extent Emergency Rules 1-11 conflict with any rules established in Marin County Superior Court Administrative orders 20-04, 20-05, and 20-06 (hereafter Marin Administrative Orders), the Emergency Rules shall supersede that conflicting rule of the Marin Administrative Orders.
EMERGENCY RULES ON BAIL: On April 6, 2020, the Judicial Council passed Emergency Rule 4. Emergency Rule 4 is a statewide Emergency Bail Schedule that must be applied no later than 5 p.m. on April 13, 2020. The Marin County Judges have adopted Local Emergency Rule 2.01.
Please see the new rule: RULE 2.01
Emergency Rule Adopting Temporary Emergency Bail Schedule
Limited Face Coverings modification: HERE
COVID-19 Status Update, 09/20/2021: HERE
Marin County Coronavirus Information: HERE
All Status Updates: HERE
Current Health Orders in Effect for Marin County. HERE
Marin County COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions: HERE
April 29, 2020: Relaxation of Some Previous Restrictions;
Marin County Shelter in Place Extension with New Protocols.
Shelter in Place Extension. HERE
Social Distancing Protocol. HERE
Small Construction Projects Protocol. HERE
Large Construction Projects Protocol. HERE
Parks Closure Order Protocol. HERE
Golf Courses Protocol. HERE
Short Term Rentals Protocol. HERE
Marin Recovers Industry Advisors. Industry Work Groups: 5-8 people per group to provide recommendations about how an industry could open in compliance with health officer order. HERE